Ankle Sprain Treatment in London
The ankle is a complex joint with 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 tendons, muscles and ligaments working together to provide support and flexibility. However, the foot and ankle can easily become injured due to a sudden fall, accident, or overstretching of the ligaments. These injuries are often referred to as ankle sprains and can be very painful. Luckily, the majority of ankle sprains are relatively simple to treat. The main aim is to keep pain, swelling and inflammation to a minimum and return to normal function of the ankle as quickly as possible.
Physiotherapy is often the best treatment for an ankle sprain. Initially it is important to take weight off the ankle. Then apply the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression and elevation) which can be applied to most types of ankle injury. This will help reduce swelling and bruising and encourage the healing of the ligaments.
It is important to get a proper diagnosis of the level of injury. This can be done with an X-Ray or ultrasound scan in some cases and in a small percentage of patients an MRI may be required. This is because some ankle injuries are classified as Grade 3 which requires immediate investigation. This will include a thorough examination of the ligaments, checking for signs of a fracture and looking at other areas of damage around the ankle.
Once the initial swelling has reduced, this should happen within a few days for a mild injury, a physiotherapist can begin to gently re-stretch and mobilise the ankle. This will usually involve a combination of traction, compression and stretching. This is followed by gentle range of motion exercises which can then be progressed to more demanding balance and strength work once the ankle is ready. More Details ankle sprain treatment in London
Depending on the grade of the injury, it can take weeks or even months for a major sprain to fully settle. Some patients will have a feeling that the ankle is still unstable and it is important to continue to monitor this as part of the rehabilitation process. It is also important to make sure that any imbalances are corrected to prevent long-term problems like early onset of ankle arthritis.
A Chartered Physiotherapist can provide the expert assessment and rehabilitation necessary to return you back to a healthy ankle. Mr Goldberg’s extensive experience in treating the ankle, combined with his Sports Medicine training, ensure that he can confidently offer the very best care to patients. He is dedicated to providing the personalised care and compassion that his patients deserve and is passionate about helping them achieve their goals for recovery. Contact us today for a free no obligation consultation. Your initial consultation will be conducted by a qualified physiotherapist who will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your specific injury.